Fire Investigation and Burning Services
Our prescription burn review services assist those in the agricultural and forestry industries to reduce logging, vineyard and orchard waste using safe, efficient and cost effective methods.
Our fuels reduction services assist ranchers in reducing brush that is a potential fire hazard or removing types of grass which are undesirable for grazing.
Additionally, our fire investigation services provide attorneys necessary information on the origin and cause of wildfires along with expert witness testimony for court proceedings.
- Review Forester (RPF) submitted Prescription Plans for constructed pile and broadcast burning.
- Analyze plans for safe, efficient and cost effective burning.
- Recommend pile construction practices which reduce smoke and air quality issues.
- Recommend broadcast burning practices compliant with industry recognized standards.
- Recommend control burning methodology as to reduce fire escapes and eliminate holdover fires.
- On-site inspections to determine management goals, identify potential hazards and natural resource protection.
- Maintain burn project within parameters established by the jurisdiction having authority and industry standards.
- Maintain air quality standards.
- Apply thermal imagery and depth sensors as to alleviate potential holdover fire.

Above images from recent prescriptive burns
- Conduct wildland fire investigations to determine the Origin and Cause of a fire.
- Fire investigations are conducted within the scope of NFPA 921, Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations.
- All fire investigations meet or exceed National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) practices.
- Support client litigation.
- Testify in deposition, court proceedings or as required, as to the Origin and Cause of a wildland fire.

Above images from recent wildland fire origin investigation